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Turning Problems into a Problem Tree

Orlando Llath

I will talk about the process of transforming problems description into a problems tree.

First: It is important to develop a deep observation and analysis of the situation in the area in which we pretend to create a project. It is recommended to check previous studies, reports, data; also, to proceed with visits, meetings and getting perceptions of the community or companies which we are working with. For example, the Tourism Sector.

Then, we set a wide list of problems or negative phenomenon we identified in the previous step; among these problems, we need to determine which is the central problem, as well as the causes and effects.

After stablishing the list, we proceed to identify the central problem, which will be the trunk of the tree among the problems of the community or companies. This must be a phenomenon that gather the idea of the whole inconvenience we are dealing with.

Later, we classify and stablish the effects and causes from the list mentioned above. The causes will be the roots and the effects will be the branches of the problem tree.

Now relations are clearly identified between the different effects produced by the central problem and the causes (remember that they are the roots of our tree) that generate the central problem and their interrelationships.

By last, the diagram of the problem tree is made by verifying the causal structure: causes (bottom of the tree), central problem (naturally, the central part), and effects (upper side of the tree).

But why is it important to develop a problem tree in a project with a tourism focus on Magdalena’s Department?

We must remember that tourism is an extremely important activity for economic development in this territory.

The accommodation and tourist services sector were one of those that marked economic recovery last year, according to DANE’s report on growth in the country as well as in Magdalena.

According to DANE, the GDP of accommodation and food services in the third quarter of 2021 reached 9.1 billion pesos between July and September.

By creating a proper and well-designed problem tree, we can get to the root of the problem and try to solve it out through the intervention of a project using a cause-effect relation. The purpose of this flow of activities and organization process is to bring benefits not only to the tourism companies in Magdalena, but to the whole community.


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